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Configure Transform Rules

This page provides examples of creating Transform Rules in a zone using Terraform. The examples cover the following scenarios:

For more information on Transform Rules, refer to Transform Rules.

​​ Before you start

​​ Obtain the necessary account or zone IDs

The Terraform configurations provided in this page need the zone ID (or account ID) of the zone/account where you will deploy rulesets.

  • To retrieve the list of accounts you have access to, including their IDs, use the List accounts API operation.
  • To retrieve the list of zones you have access to, including their IDs, use the List zones API operation.

​​ Import or delete existing rulesets

Terraform assumes that it has complete control over account and zone rulesets. If you already have rulesets configured in your account or zone, do one of the following:

  • Import existing rulesets to Terraform using the cf-terraforming tool. Recent versions of the tool can generate resource definitions for existing rulesets and import their configuration to Terraform state.
  • Start from scratch by deleting existing rulesets (account and zone rulesets with "kind": "root" and "kind": "zone", respectively) and then defining your rulesets configuration in Terraform.

​​ Create a Rewrite URL Rule

The following example creates a Rewrite URL Rule that rewrites requests for to

resource "cloudflare_ruleset" "transform_url_rewrite" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
name = "Transform Rule performing a static URL rewrite"
description = ""
kind = "zone"
phase = "http_request_transform"
rules {
action = "rewrite"
action_parameters {
uri {
path {
value = "/new-folder"
expression = "( eq \"\" and http.request.uri.path eq \"/old-folder\")"
description = "Example Rewrite URL Rule"
enabled = true

For more information on rewriting URLs, refer to Rewrite URL Rules.

​​ Create an HTTP Request Header Modification Rule

The following configuration example performs the following adjustments to HTTP request headers:

  • Adds a my-header-1 header to the request with a static value.
  • Adds a my-header-2 header to the request with a dynamic value defined by an expression.
  • Deletes the existing-header header from the request, if it exists.
resource "cloudflare_ruleset" "transform_modify_request_headers" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
name = "Transform Rule performing HTTP request header modifications"
description = ""
kind = "zone"
phase = "http_request_late_transform"
rules {
action = "rewrite"
action_parameters {
headers {
name = "my-header-1"
operation = "set"
value = "Fixed value"
headers {
name = "my-header-2"
operation = "set"
expression = ""
headers {
name = "existing-header"
operation = "remove"
expression = "true"
description = "Example HTTP Request Header Modification Rule"
enabled = true

For more information on modifying request headers, refer to HTTP Request Header Modification Rules.

​​ Create an HTTP Response Header Modification Rule

The following configuration example performs the following adjustments to HTTP response headers:

  • Adds a my-header-1 header to the response with a static value.
  • Adds a my-header-2 header to the response with a dynamic value defined by an expression.
  • Deletes the existing-header header from the response, if it exists.
resource "cloudflare_ruleset" "transform_modify_response_headers" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
name = "Transform Rule performing HTTP response header modifications"
description = ""
kind = "zone"
phase = "http_response_headers_transform"
rules {
action = "rewrite"
action_parameters {
headers {
name = "my-header-1"
operation = "set"
value = "Fixed value"
headers {
name = "my-header-2"
operation = "set"
expression = ""
headers {
name = "existing-header"
operation = "remove"
expression = "true"
description = "Example HTTP Response Header Modification Rule"
enabled = true

For more information on modifying response headers, refer to HTTP Response Header Modification Rules.