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Cloudflare Zero Trust
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Predefined profiles

Cloudflare Zero Trust provides predefined DLP profiles for common types of sensitive data. Some profiles include built-in validation checks to increase detection granularity.

​​ Financial information

  • Credit card numbers begin with a six or eight-digit Issuer Identification Number (IIN) and are followed by up to 23 additional digits. Credit card numbers must adhere to Luhn’s algorithm as a method of validation.
  • ABA routing numbers and IBAN are validated algorithmically with check digits.
Detection entryRegex
American Express Card Number\b3[47]\d{2}([-\. ])?\d{6}([-\. ])?\d{5}\b
American Express Text(?i:\bamex\b|\bamerican express\b)
Diners Club Card Number\b3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}\\b
Generic CVV Card Number\bcvv(?::|no:?|#|)? ?\d{3,4}\b
Mastercard Card Number\b(5[1-5][0-9]{2}([-\. ])?[0-9]{4}([-\. ])?[0-9]{4}([-\. ])?[0-9]{4})|(2(22[1-9]([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}|2[3-9]\d{1}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}|[3-6]\d{2}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}|7[0-1]\d{1}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}|720([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}))\b
Mastercard Text(?i:\bmastercard\b)
Union Pay Card Number\b(62[0-9]{14,17})\b
Union Pay Text(?i:\bunion pay\b)
Visa Card Number\b4\d{3}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}([-\. ])?\d{4}\b
Visa Text(?i:\bvisa\b)
United States ABA Routing Number\b\d{9}\b
IBAN\b([A-Z]{2}[ \-]?[0-9]{2})[ \-]?([A-Z0-9]{4}[ \-]?){1,7}[A-Z0-9]{1,4}\b

​​ National identifiers

  • Detections are validated algorithmically when possible. Some detections such as United States SSNs do not adhere to algorithmic validation.
  • Commonly used separators are required to match the detection entry. For example, 000-00-0000 matches a United States SSN but 000000000 does not.
Detection entryRegex
United States SSN Numeric Detection\b\d{3}[-\. ]\d{2}[-\. ]\d{4}\b
‘Social Security Number’ Text(?i:\bs\.?s\.?(?:n|#)|\bsocial security\b)
Australia Tax File Number\b\d{2,3}([- ])?\d{3}([- ])?\d{3}\b
Canada Social Insurance Number\b\d{3}[-\. ]\d{3}[-\. ]\d{3}\b
France Social Security Number\b[1278]\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[0-2]|20)(\d{2}|2[AB])\d{3}\d{3}\d{2}\b
Singapore National Registration Identity Card Number\b[FGMST]\d{7}[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRTUWXZ]\b
Taiwan National Identification Number\b[A-Z][12]\d{8}\b
United Kingdom NHS Number\b\d{3}[- ]\d{3}[- ]\d{4}\b
United Kingdom National Insurance Number\b(?:[A-CEGHJ-PR-TW-Z][A-CEGHJ-NPR-TW-Z])(?:[ ]?\d[ ]?){6}[A-D]?\b